Start at 30,000.00 THB
• Measure or source 0 to 24 mA
• Accuracy 0.01% of reading
• Dual mA and % readout, linear or flow
• Step, span check, valve check, ramp
• 60 VDC measurement and continuity
• Hart® compatible
Graphic Display
The graphic display with menu-driven interface is easier to use than traditional knobs, switches, multi-function keys and dual key sequences.
Measure or Source 0 to 24 mA
An internal 24 V loop supply is available in both measure and source modes, essential during plant shutdowns.
Accuracy 0.01% of Reading
This includes 12 month stability and temperature effects. The UPS III can maintain a 4:1 calibration ratio with the latest instrumentation and is typically 20 to 80 times more accurate than a Digital Multi-Meter (DMM).
Simultaneous % Readout
Displays mA and the percentage value of 4 to 20 mA or 0 to 20 mA. The UPS III also converts mA readings to % flow. This is not possible with many loop calibrators.
Step, Span Check and Value Check
Step quickly through linearity tests and zero/span adjustments. In valve mode, seating can be checked and the positioner set.
Step Mode 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
4 to 20 mA linear 4 8 12 16 20
0 to 20 mA linear 0 5 10 15 20
4 to 20 mA flow 4 5 8 13 20
0 to 20 mA flow 0 1.25 5 11.25 20
4 to 20 mA span check 4 _ _ _ 20
0 to 20 mA span check 0 _ _ _ 20
4 to 20 mA valve 3.8, 4,4.2 _ 12 _ 19, 20,21
Auto Step and Ramp
Outputs have adjustable rates (1 to 599 s) for single-handed loop testing, valve set-up and slew rate checks.
“Fast Set” Output
Allows values to be set to within 0.001 mA using the arrow keys. Holding a key quickly ramps the output to the next value. The system is ideal for alarm trip tests.
60 VDC Measurement
For loop diagnostics and maintenance of voltage output instruments.
Continuity and Switch Test
Facility This reduces DMM dependence when fault finding, checking loop integrity and testing switches.
Hart Compatible
Internal 235 Ω loop resistor (menu selectable) EMC compliance to EN 61326-1
Complies with heavy industry standard. Most loop calibrators are only suitable for light industrial use.